Dec 31, 2008

Harley Davidson Buys Cagiva

According to the Italian source Harley Davidson has purchased Cagiva and will absorb the Italian moniker. Rumor has it that HD will develop the brand and possibly bring back the 1200 elephant, a welcome suprise by many adventure enthusiasts. This makes two Italian brands that HD has in 2008, the first being MV Agusta.

Here's the article in full from

Please forgive the horrible google translation, but this is big news.

The halls of last autumn passed without penalty or glory for marks of MV Agusta Group, since July 2008 officially acquired by the American brand Harley Davidson. Tanto MV Agusta como Cagiva pasaron los certámenes de Colonia y Milán ‘con lo puesto y conocido’, mientras que otras marcas lucían sus mejores galas y nuevos modelos. Both MV Agusta and Cagiva competitions went to Cologne and Milan 'position known as' brands while others wore their finery and new models. Los pocos meses transcurridos desde la compra, aprobación de ella en septiembre por el Tribunal Europeo de la Competencia, y aterrizaje de los hombres de La Company en las dependencias de MV Agusta-Cagiva, realizar un somero estudio de la situación (agravada por la crisis económica mundial) y planear proyectos inmediatos de futuro, se ha hecho esperar, pero parece que toma formas de moto y se quiere dar una respuesta rápida a la situación. The few months since the purchase, approved it in September by the European Court of Competition and landing of men from the Company on the premises of MV Agusta, Cagiva, make a cursory examination of the situation (exacerbated by the crisis global economic) plan and immediate future projects, it has been expected, but it seems that making forms of motorcycle and want to respond quickly to the situation. Problema de suministro de motores Problem of supply of engines De MV Agusta y su proyecto F3 tricilíndrico, hablaremos en otro momento (por ahora, el tema está parado y Massimo Tamburini jubilado). MV Agusta F3 tricilíndrico and its project, we will talk later (for now, the issue stands and Massimo Tamburini retired). Ahora nos centraremos en Cagiva, cuya página web ha visto como el moderno logo de Cagiva (Crimson Design 2000) ha sido sustituido por el viejo logotipo de los 70, el del número uno con la bandera tricolor italiana y el elefantito símbolo de Cagiva, que fue el primer logo de la marca tras ser comprada Aermacchi por los hermanos Castiglioni a Harley Davidson y cambiar el nombre a Cagiva (CAstiglioni GIovanni Varese) en honor del fundador de la marca. Now we will focus on Cagiva, whose website has seen the modern logo Cagiva (Crimson Design 2000) has been replaced by the old logo of 70, the number one with the Italian tricolor flag and the baby elephant symbol Cagiva, which was the first logo of the brand after being purchased by the brothers Castiglioni Aermacchi Harley Davidson and to rename Cagiva (Castiglioni Giovanni Varese) in honor of the founder of the brand. El principal problema que tenía la anterior dirección del grupo italiano era la escasa solvencia económica, con lo que la mayoría de proveedores del sector o recibían un aval de peso o no servían componentes. The main problem was that the previous leadership of the Italian group was little economic solvency, with the majority of suppliers in the sector received an endorsement or weight or failed components. Entre esos componentes, los más caros, los propulsores, estaban reduciendo al mínimo la producción de Cagiva, que tras finalizar el stock de motores Suzuki SV 650 y TL 1000 de sus Raptor, se limitó a fabricar sus Raptor/Planet y Mito 125 con los viejos motores 2 tiempos de toda la vida. Among these components, the most expensive, the thrusters were minimizing production Cagiva, after which the stock engine Suzuki SV 650 TL 1000 and its Raptor, was limited to manufacturing its Raptor / Planet and the Myth 125 old 2-stroke engines of all life. Ya con anterioridad, en 2000, Cagiva había dejado de fabricar sus prometedores scooters Cucciolo 50 y 125, porque Piaggio había cortado el suministro de motores al no pagar la firma de Varese, ya causa de las deudas, a punto estuvo Piaggio de comprar Cagiva y MV Agusta en 2001/2002 (hasta hubo algún prototipo Raptor con motor Piaggio V2-850 y los logotipos Gilera en los laterales del depósito), pero Claudio Castiglioni logró una inyección de capital por parte del grupo malayo Petronas, que apagó el romance. Already earlier, in 2000, Cagiva had stopped making its promising Cucciolo 50 and 125 scooters because Piaggio had cut the supply of engines by not paying the signing of Varese, and because of debts, was about to buy Piaggio and Cagiva MV Agusta in 2001/2002 (until there was a Raptor prototype V2-engined Piaggio 850 Gilera and logos on the sides of the shell), but Claudio Castiglioni achieved a capital injection by the Malaysian group Petronas, which turned off the romance. Ni Ducati, a tope de producción, ni otras marcas de motores se fiaron de Cagiva para servir propulsores y el último intento de dar continuidad a la marca fue con motores Husqvarna (Cagiva STR 650, Milán 2006), también del Grupo MV-Agusta, que fue adquirida por BMW en septiembre de 2007. Ducati or to stop production or other brands of engines are used for Cagiva fiaron of propellant and the last attempt to give continuity to the engine was brand Husqvarna (STR Cagiva 650, Milan 2006), also of the Group-MV Agusta which was acquired by BMW in September 2007. Planes inmediatos Immediate plans La llegada del capital de Harley Davidson va a suponer un relanzamiento bastante inmediato de Cagiva, la marca más versátil y que se presta más a estar representada en diferentes sectores del mercado con nuevos modelos, a favor de la más elitista y limitada, en ventas, MV Agusta. The arrival of the capital of Harley Davidson is going to be a fairly immediate Cagiva relaunch the brand most versatile and lends itself more to be represented in different sectors of the market with new models, in favor of the more elitist and limited in sales, MV Agusta. A parte de nuevos y futuros modelos que están en estudio o se darán viabilidad a medio y largo plazo (a partir de 2010), parece que lo más inmediato es resucitar la saga Raptor y para ello se cuenta con los motores proporcionados por BRP-Rotax, concretamente los Helicon 1125 que ya emplean las Buell 1125 R y Café Racer, con más de 140 CV de potencia, aunque en las futuras Raptor se podría montar en diferentes versiones y potencias. Apart from new and future models that are in feasibility study will be medium to long term (from 2010), it seems that the most immediate is the saga resurrect Raptor and this has provided engines for BRP-Rotax specifically the 1125 Helicon already using the R and Buell 1125 Cafe Racer, with over 140 HP, but in future Raptor could be mounted in different versions and powers. Para motorizaciones menores, Harley Davidson, junto a BRP-Rotax, está directamente en conversaciones con BMW, para tratar de llegar a un acuerdo para conseguir motores monocilíndricos y hasta bicilíndricos para futuras Raptor 650 u 800 cc For smaller engine, Harley Davidson, along with BRP-Rotax is directly in talks with BMW to try to reach an agreement to monocilíndricos engines and even for future bicilíndricos Raptor 650 or 800 cc De no llegar a un acuerdo con BMW, seguramente se optaría por Minarelli Motori (no faltan ofertas en época de crisis y con dinero para gastar), dejando de lado a Franco Morini Motori (gama muy limitada y obsoleta) y Piaggio (no muy del agrado de Cagiva), pues en los planes de Harley Davidson también están las pequeñas cilindradas y las Raptor/Planet y Mito 125 cobrarían nueva e inmediata vida con los motores 125 4T inyectados. Failure to reach an agreement with BMW, will surely opt for Minarelli Motori (no shortage of offers in time of crisis and with money to spend), bypassing Morini Franco Motori (very limited range and obsolete) and Piaggio (not quite the pleased Cagiva), as Harley Davidson plans are also small cylinder and Raptor / Planet Myth and collect 125 new and immediate life 4Q injected 125 engines. Planes a medio/largo plazo Plans in the medium to long term A Minarelli también debería acudir Harley Davidson para ampliar la oferta de Cagiva a los scooters, no sólo para el mercado italiano y europeo, si no también para el gran mercado norteamericano, donde se están vendiendo mejor que nunca gracias a sus espartanos consumos y facilidad de uso para transporte personal. A Minarelli Harley Davidson should also go to expand the supply of scooters to Cagiva, not only for the Italian and European market, but also for the large U.S. market, which are selling better than ever thanks to its ease of consumption and Spartans use for personal transport. Los habría desde 50 a 250 cc, incluso superiores, como los 400 (Minarelli es subsidiaria de Yamaha Motor Co), pasando por los 125 cc, pero mientras se piensan y diseñan los futuros scooters Cagiva, se está buscando una alternativa inmediata y de calidad para dar respuesta al mercado. Would have from 50 to 250 cc, even higher, such as 400 (Minarelli is a subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Co) to 125 cc, but while they think and design future scooters Cagiva, is seeking an immediate alternative and quality to respond to the market. Aquí podría llegarse a un acuerdo con alguna marca italiana, ¿Malaguti? This could lead to an agreement with some Italian, Malaguti? o quizás hasta con Piaggio, para la fabricación de un determinado número de miles de unidades diferenciadas de su producción normal, en pequeños detalles y con el distintivo Cagiva. Piaggio or perhaps even for the manufacture of a number of different units of thousands of normal production in small details and the distinctive Cagiva. También en los planes de Harley estaría rememorar los éxitos de las Cagiva Canyon y Elefant. Also in the plans of Harley would recall the successes of the Canyon and Cagiva Elefant. La primera en los 650 cc y la segunda debería intentar dar un buen mordisco a las ventas de la líder mundial de la grandes trail, la BMW R 1200 GS. The first in the 650 cc and the latter should try to give a good bite to the sales leader of the world's major trail, the BMW R 1200 GS. Para ello dispondría del motor BRP-Rotax 1125, con los cilindros en V, como en su día los tuvo la recordada Elefant 900, que entonces equipaba propulsor Ducati. To do so would BRP-Rotax engine 1125, with the cylinders in V, as in his day, was remembered Elefant 900, then Propellent equipped Ducati. Sería un ataque directo a un sector donde la competencia de la BMW siempre se ha estrellado y de acertar, los beneficios serían de alto rango. It would be a direct attack on an area where the competence of the BMW has always been hit and crashed, the benefits would be of high rank. De corresponderse la realidad con los planes futuribles de HD-Cagiva, en pocos años veríamos en la calle varias versiones de una superbike al más puro estilo italiano, es decir muy deportiva y bastante elitista. Correspond with the reality of the future plans of HD-Cagiva, in a few years would see on the street several versions of a superbike in the purest Italian style, is very quite and elitist sport. La base sería el motor BRP-Rotax llevado a 1.200 cc y entre 170 y 180 CV para hacer frente a las nuevas Ducati 1198 y demás material japonés. The base would be the BRP-Rotax engine led to 1,200 cc and between 170 and 180 hp to meet the new Ducati 1198 and other materials in Japan. Un futuro prometedor para Cagiva, con la que Harley Davidson tiene una espina clavada, pues en su primer desembarco en Europa, en 1960, al comprar Aermacchi, después de conseguir ser 4 veces Campeona del Mundo de Velocidad con el piloto Walter Vila, tuvo que abandonar el intento, a causa de las malas ventas y vender Aermacchi a los hermanos Castiglioni (17 de octubre de 1978), que fundaron con ella Cagiva. A promising future for Cagiva, which Harley Davidson is a thorn, as its first landing in Europe in 1960 to buy Aermacchi, after getting to be 4 times World Champion Speed Walter Vila with the pilot, had to abandon the attempt, because of poor sales and to sell Aermacchi Castiglioni brothers (17 October 1978), which she founded with Cagiva. Con la compra de Cagiva por parte de Harley Davidson la historia se repite ahora, esperemos que para bien y no se repitan errores del pasado. With the purchase by Cagiva Harley Davidson history is repeating itself now, hopefully for good and not repeat past mistakes. Las fotos de los modelos Cagiva pertenecen a sus últimas versiones de las Raptor V 1000 y 650 con motores Suzuki, aunque no nos hemos podido resistir colocar a modo de anécdota una foto del frustrado prototipo Gilera 850 (motor Piaggio V90º con cambio de marchas) con base Raptor 650, más las 125 Raptor, Mito y el scooter Cucciolo. The photos of models Cagiva belong to their latest versions of the Raptor 1000 V and 650 engines with Suzuki, but we have not been able to resist putting a photo story of how frustrated the prototype Gilera 850 (Piaggio motor V90 º gearshift) with Raptor 650 base plus 125 Raptor, Myth and the scooter Cucciolo.



Dec 17, 2008


PURO EURO!!!!!!!
Here's a great Gift Idea for your Adventure and Enduro buddies: Enduro Illustrated.

Issue #1 is entitled "The Pain and the Glory", understandable since KTM got their a** handed to them on a platter by BMW in the WEC. It looks to be a first edition classic with interviews and world class photographs of Salminen, Ahola, Tarkkla, Aro, Cervantes and the rest of the animals on the WEC circuit.
A look inside provides and incredible view of what WORCS will someday, hopefully, by some miracle become: A world class sporting event!
The site is worth visiting just for the wallpapers and the photo pinch opps.
Hope you enjoy!

Troy at west coast dual sport

Dec 12, 2008


In our daily search of truth and rightousness in the adventure world, we (charlie and i) have compiled a list of cool stuff for Christmas.

1. Kini Red Bull Jacket from Eurotek's website

2. Kini Red Bull Beach Towel - in case you haven't lost your job yet and actually plan on going somewhere warm for Christmas.

3. KTM rain boots - perfect for wading through the high tides here on the west coast or washing your Range Rover on Balboa Island.

4. the ever popular KTM tie down - Honda guys love these!

Dec 11, 2008

Christmas Ideas Continued

Husaberg's Gibson wins Mid South Hare Scramble

Gibson Win Hares Scramble on Husaberg

Courtesy of KTM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Husaberg Factory Racing Team rider, Dustin Gibson, won his first race aboard his new Husaberg FE450 at the Mid-South Hare Scramble Series over the weekend. Gibson, the newest member of the Husaberg Factory Race Team effort, rode a tremendous race despite the slippery track conditions and chilling temperatures. When the checkered flag flew Gibson crossed the line an estimated 15 seconds over the second place rider. “My Husaberg ran great all day. It had excellent handling and helped make my run to the front easy. I can’t wait for the next race!” commented Gibson after the event. In addition to Gibson’s win, Husaberg support rider Harvey Whitaker also finished on top of the podium with a win in the Senior A class.

Dec 9, 2008

BMW G 450 X in California? Good Luck!

Well, evidentily after repeated attempts to get a BMW450 x into the State of California by several West Coast Dual Sport associates, it has been determined that it's not gonna happen unless you have residency in the state of sale and also possess a license and insurance of the state of sale. BMW has instructed dealers NOT to sell the bike to Californians under any circumstances. We at NCDS are hoping that 2010 will provide us with a 50 state version that will be readily available with that lovely KYMCO motor.

We've seen prices as low as $7,900 in Arizona with prices slightly higher in Oregon and Nevada.

One would think that if a person were to pull off a purchase of a g 450 X and had it plated in CA it would be a major achievment and possibly add 2-3 K to the bikes value in California. Ah yes, I remember those grey market exotic car days......1980's Newport Beach all over again. Surely, one call to these guys and you could git' r done.


Interview with Repsol KTM rider Marc Coma

Dakar 2009 - Interview with Repsol KTM rider Marc Coma

You are now in the final preparation for the first Dakar in South America. How did the final testing go for you in France?
The final test in France went very well. We are using the same material as we have been using throughout the year, with just small modifications with the suspension etc., and the adaptation to suit the new rule about noise requirements. So far everything is going very well.

Describe how you have been personally preparing for the Dakar 2009. As well as training on the bike, do you have any special fitness programs? Any mental training?
The work load has increased a lot in the recent months and I have spent many hours in the gym and on the bike so that I can be in top shape in January. Regarding mental training, I continue to work with a sports psychologist that I have been working with for 10 years now. These days it is quite normal for a sportsman to work together with a psychologist.

The Dakar 2009 breaks new ground and brings lots of new challenges. What are your own expectations going into the race this year?
We have a new Dakar in 2009 and this also means new deserts. But I am confident that it will also be great and that it will have the same kind of Dakar spirit. That means it will be hard and there will be risks to take.

The Dakar 2009 is going to take you over 6000 km and through a major part of both Argentina and Chile and over a lot of different terrain. Have you had any experience riding in those countries and what do you think might be the biggest challenges?
I know Argentina and Chile a bit from a previous world championship in Patagonia. The first part of Dakar will be quite familiar but the second half will be totally unknown to me. The heat and the altitude will be among the biggest challenges.

How do you feel about the idea of hold the Dakar in South America and coming in contact with different cultures?
Having the Dakar in South America represents a radical change. It is totally different to Africa but the language will be easier for us Spaniards!

Will you miss Africa?
No, but I won’t forget Africa. It is a constant point of reference for me and it is a place that I would like to return to.

Before you leave for the Dakar 2009, how do you plan to celebrate Christmas?
I will celebrate Christmas with all my family. They are very special and so it this occasion.

Looking beyond the Dakar 2009, what are your plans for the next racing season and what are your special goals?
Our objectives for the 2009 season are very ambitious. We are hoping to have victories in all the events we participate in, both in the Dakar and in other events as well.

WORCS 2009 Schedule

WORCS is quickly becoming the premier racing organization on the west coast and has actually been contracted to co sanction select events that run in conjunction with the AMA western hare scrambles series in 2009. WORCS courses typically are shorter that traditional hare scrambles and are more suited towards a motocross type course, making them more successful from a spectators and media standpoint. Shorter courses means easier coverage and spectator involvement. WORCS has even moved into the world of endurocross, co-sanctioning the EnduroCross Final Holeshot award in 2008. With a PR department headed up by Jason Reed 2009 looks to be a very exciting year for WORCS.
Now if they would just get into Supermoto and rescue her from the wreckage!

Jan 16-18
Phoenix, Az[ Click here for Track Info! ]

Feb 20-22
Adelanto, Ca[ Click here for Track Info! ]
March 20-22
Lake Havasu, AZ[ Click here for Track Info! ]
April 17-19
Hollister, Ca[ Click here for Track Info! ]
May 8-10
Milford, Ca[ Click here for Track Info! ]
June 12-14
Auburn, Wa[ Click here for Track Info! ]
Aug 1-2
Olympia, Wa Rnd 7[ Click here for Track Info! ]
Aug 7-9
Olympia, Wa Rnd 8[ Click here for Track Info! ]
Sept 18-20
Devore, Ca[ Click here for Track Info! ]
October 23-25
Mesquite, NV[ Click here for Track Info! ]

Nov 30, 2008

Great Source for a Mex Trip!!

The West Coast Dual Sport World HQ has long subcribed to the Baja Insider, a great source for news information and insider updates for the savvy Baja adventurer. 'Tis the season to go "South of The Border", so subscribe and tell them West Coast Dual Sport sent ya.

Nov 27, 2008


This from the the second Zero Motorcycles newsletter: maxxim magazine, jay leno, euro tour? what's next a buyout from chrysler?

Happy Thanksgiving!

We’ve been getting dirty, touring Europe, and having a great time doing it with our new 2009 Zero X. For a motorcycle that loves playing in the dirt, it seems to captivate the attention of just about anyone. Here's the latest. Enjoy the ride.
Off to Europe
The Zero X wanted to tour worldwide so we took it to Europe and let a few people go for a ride. We thought we'd share a few shots with you -
click here to view.If you feel like going for a ride click here:
Notes from the Inventor
The consumer response on the upcoming Zero S has been incredible! A few months ago someone leaked an early stage concept photo, a couple months after we quietly posted the first official Zero S page, and today we’ve got a stoked backlog. With all this buzz surrounding the Zero S I’ve been getting loads of questions. To all those questions I’ve got one general answer… it’s freakin awesome. To get your imagination juiced, here’s
a little peek.
Factory Floor
We're ramping up production of the 2009 Zero X and thought we'd share a few pictures from the factory floor.
To enlarge, click here.
The Goods
Meet the
2009 Zero X. Check out our store, or give our factory coordinators a call for more information: (888)786-9376.
We've just started accepting American Express:

The Zero X is in good company in the latest issue of Maxim. Check it out on store shelves. You can also take a
look here.
Jay Leno
In case you missed it, Jay Leno got a Zero X and did a little video with Neal (Zero Motorcycles' founder)
Fresh off the Trail
Backyard AirFast, Fun, and Quiet - what you could do without anyone hearing you...
Sphere of FearIf you had to ride inside a sphere, why suck your own fumes?
First TimerWhat's it like to go for your first spin on a Zero?Also, see what one customer did so that he could ride his Zero X just about anywhere.
Hot Buzz
Shocking but true2008 Zero X Electric Motorcycle Review- Motorcycle.comThe Electric Dirt Bike - Fox News
Sweet Spot
Hollister Hills, CaliforniaTake a spin at another one of Zero Motorcycles' favorite testing grounds. This 3000+ acre park offers over 80 miles of dirt trails for beginner and advanced motorcyclists, along with lots of singletrack and hills. Feel like cruzing these trails on a Zero X? Check out the map and sign up for a Demo Ride.

Zero Motorcycles, Inc., 1 Victor Square, Scotts Valley, CA 95066Call us toll free at (888)RUN-ZERO or (888)786-9376Visit us at:

Nov 24, 2008

2008 BAJA 631

JCR WINS 2008 BAJA 1000

Since last year's disbanding of the official Team Honda off road racing program, Johnny Cambell and his Johnny Campbell Racing Team has managed to uphold the Honda Tradition of Conquering Baja's or the Western Continents, toughest off road Challenge.
The combination of Campbell/Norman/Bell dominated the 41st running of the event, which this year was cut down to 631 miles.
This years course was a tight, technical test that Honda's JCR finished managed to finish in 19th place overall in 12 hours, 29 minutes and 10 seconds, averaging 50.56 miles per hour. Smokin' fast for Bike Buggy, or Truck!! Near the finish line, JCR had over a 100 mile gap on the 10th place team and was clocked at top speeds of 107mph around mile 200 while being filmed by the NBC helicopter.
This win makes it 11 for Campbell, of Escondido CA, breaking the tie for overall wins that was previously held by Larry Roesler at 10 Baja 1000 wins. The Baja 100 win for JCR makes a clean sweep for Honda's Johnny Campbell Racing, having won the 2008 SCORE 250, 500 and now the 1000.

Nov 21, 2008

SCORE BAJA 1000 UPDATES - wait a long time for it to load




Nov 19, 2008

Things to do when you're bored - #5 High speed motorcycle chase

a lot of my friends are out of work these days and kinda bored, this might be just the thing to do on your way to the unenjoyment office.

Nov 14, 2008

Heh Heh ..............Maico

In a perfect world these would be green sticker and I could get the 500 plated. The 685 has a reputed 90 HP. Who need a bobcat when you have a Maico 685?
Maico 250 Enduro.
Cooling: Water
Inlet system: Reed valve system
Exhaust system: H.G.S. exhaust system
Cylinder capacity: 247ccmMeasures: 67 x 70mm
Horsepower: 54
Carburetor: BING 40 oval
Transmission: 5 speed gearbox
Ignition: 12V / 130W SEM
Frame: Chrome Molybdenum
Front fork: White Power Upside Down 48 mm
Front wheel travel: Brembo with wave disc 260mm
Front rim: 1.60 - 21
Front tyres: 90/90 - 21
Rear suspension: Maico Twin Link with Reiger shock
Rear brake: Brembo with wave disc 220 mm
Rear rim: 2.15 - 18
Rear tyres: 140/80 - 18Tank: 9,5 L.T.R.
Wheel base: 1480 mm
Ground clearance: 388 mm
Seat height: 960 mm
Weight: 109 kg
Maico 320 Enduro.
Cooling: Water
Inlet system: Reed Valve system
Exhaust system: H.G.S. exhaust system
Cylinder capacity: 318ccm
Measures: 76 x 70mm
Horsepower: 54
Carburetor: BING 40 oval
Transmission: 5 speed gearbox
Ignition: 12V / 130W SEM
Frame: Chrome Molybdenum
Front fork: White Power Extreme 50
Front wheel travel: Brembo 260mm
Front rim: 1.60 - 21
Front tyres: 90/90 - 21
Rear suspension: Maico Twin Link White Power
Rear brake: Brembo 220 mm
Rear rim: 2.15 - 18
Rear tyres: 140/80 - 18
Tank: 9,5 L.T.R.
Wheel base: 1480 mm
Ground clearance: 388 mm
Seat height: 960 mm
Weight: 109 kg
Maico 500 Enduro.
Cooling: Water
Inlet system: Reed Valve system
Exhaust system: H.G.S. exhaust system
Cylinder capacity: 499ccm
Measures: 86,5 x 85mm
Horsepower: 67
Carburetor: BING 40 oval
Transmission: 5 speed gearboxIgnition: 12V / 130W SEM
Frame: Chrome Molybdenum
Front fork: White Power Upside Down 48 mm
Front brake:Brembo with 260 mm wave disc
Front rim: 1.60 - 21Front tyres: 90/90 - 21
Rear suspension: Maico Twin Link Reiger shock
Rear brake: Brembo with 220 mm wave disc
Rear rim: 2.15 - 18
Rear tyres: 140/80 - 18Tank: 9,5 L.T.R.
Wheel base: 1480 mm
Ground clearance: 388 mm
Seat height: 960 mm
Weight: 111 kg

The 2009 Husaberg FE 450 Gas Tank?

OK, by now you can tell that west coast dual sport loves the new 'Berg. Besides the fact that the Crank Location is 4 inches higher and 6 inches rearward than last years already relocated and redesigned engine, the bike is revolutionary both for stree and dirt. The cylinder lays flat ala boxer allowing the single cylinder roon for a new airbox/tank/fuel injection system. The rear subframe is an all plastic unit, making it lighter and also allowing the posibility to mold any number of mounting scenarios required for the electronics. Brilliant!
The only problem from the Swedes (although Husaberg is owned by KTM)is that yes...the bike is red sticker. Where can you ride year round in AMERICA with a red sticker? My local dealer; Fator's KTM Suzuki, here in Redding Ca took delivery of the 450's last week and i had a chance to chat with the owner, Craig Fator as to the reasoning behind the lack of green sticker status and/or the non dual sportability of the mighty blue and yellow ride. Craig explained that "it has something to do with the gas tank and the inablility to get it DOT approved, somithing about it not being cost effective". Cost Effectiveness aside, if this bike had a green sticker, it would make it dual sportable in many states and perhaps would have resulted in an additional Hundreds of Thousands Dollars of increased income at a time when even a hundred units can make or break a project like the FE 450.

One thing in question that isn't really covered in any of the reviews you have to stand up to ride it? The 'Berg has a "linkless" suspension like the KTM's and in order to go real fast, you have to stand up to make it track.
After reading the various reveiws on the FE 450 (being a nobody and not being able to actually test the bike)it sound like a shoe-in for bike of the year. Also in the line-up, a 570 - how perfect is that for a two day 500 miler?

Just my opinion. Perhaps the Husaberg HQ is just a testbed for KTM to glean new innovative tech and turn it orange. One thing is for sure, if you're thinking about a Dual Sport in '09 the Beta is probably your best bet.

Let's run it down:

Honda - fuel injected - who cares, it's a Honda, your top end won't last a season if you really ride.

Suzuki - you've got to be kidding, a 250 or a pig or a bigger pig? not

Yamaha - a good choice, the WR is reliable and a work horse

Kawasaki - KLX? it's more of a race bike and very uncomfortable

Aprilia - Don't know about you but i didn't graduate from Davis as an Ortodontist.

BMW - I'm on the fence about reliability - great design and goemetry, still needs suspension upgrades by the looks of it.

That leaves the Beta, they took a great, reliable bike and made it better by adding a linkage in the rear and upgrading the fork to the Shiver and also the rear shock to an Ohlin. And by keeping the already reliable KTM motor, it's bulletproof and very rideable.

Nov 13, 2008 - What to do When there's nowhere to ride and another reason to get kicked off the mountain!

The Radix and Rogue designs evolved from the desire to ride our dirt bikes on snow. It had to feel the same, handle the same, and rip through the woods the same. We wanted it to be lightweight, agile, and still climb like a scalded monkey up a tree- we have succeeded! We designed a conversion kit that delivers a nimble, compact, and light weight feel with exceptional handling and suspension performance.
The Track2Moto’s patented “curved” paddle design has some amazing features. At just under 11 inches wide and 93 in. long (now a full 12 inches longer than our Switchblades) we’ve found the perfect balance between short track handling, and long track climbing. Even better, we’ve got almost 50% of the track on the snow! The patented curved paddle profile allows for nimble handling in both hard pack and powder conditions.
Out Back - The SuspensionThe reason for the extreme performance capability of the Rogue/Radix is 2Moto's patented suspension technology. It is different from all others. Different by concept, different by performance. The track is driven at the rear of the track. This allows the track to be brought up under the bike, creating a short “wheelbase”. The Levelink™ force distribution mechanism distributes the shock load between the front and rear of the track. This allows for the perfect tuning and weight distribution.
Up Front - Not Just Putting the Ski on the SnowTo optimize the handling up front, 2Moto has developed the ATS™ (Adjustable Trail System). This system allows you to quickly adjust the trail of the front ski for any conditions. Slide the ski forward, and the steering is quick and aggressive. Slide it back and you're crusin' through the rough stuff wondering why your 2nd grade teacher said that cheating was wrong.




Nov 9, 2008

Don't let this guy borrow your bike!

check out the header - you tube from the 2008 Africa Enduro.



There can’t be a much clearer statement that this: BMW Motorrad has recruited the some of the world’s enduro racing elite into its ranks: David Knight, Juha Salminen and Marko Tarkkala. This is something the World Enduro Championship hasn’t seen for a long time! The BMW Motorrad factory team for 2009 reads like a “Who’s Who” of the enduro world. This shows fairly clearly just how high the team has set its aspirations this time around: the aim is to be right up at the front. The decision as to who will enter which categories and competitions will be made at a later stage, but one thing is certain now: BMW Motorrad Motorsport will be entering the World Enduro Championship as well as the XCC in Europe. In addition there will be the real classics and some demanding extreme enduro races – perfect for Andreas Lettenbichler and Gerhard Forster. After all, the two of them already secured some surprise achievements in 2008. There are also plans to enter individual races of the US series GNCC.

Nov 8, 2008

WHY WHY WHY WHY??????????

OK the Husaberg's for '09 are RED STICKER ONLY!! is this true, say it's not so!!

more HusaBERG fun here

Just in Time for Thanksgiving!!

Tours of Turkey with Taurus Trax - I wonder if turkish jails serve gravy?

David Knight Joins BMW Motorrad for '09

story from enduro news UK

Newly crowned 2008 US Grand National Cross Country Champion David Knight is delighted to announce that in 2009 he will compete for the BMW Motorrad Motorsport team and return to the World Enduro Championship. In addition to his return to the WEC the Manxman has also extended his association with Red Bull, having signed an exciting multi-year deal with the world's leading energy drink company. RED BULL BMW????? Who's next to ride the mighty G 450 X?

Check out this site in the UK for a look at what's going with our Brit counterparts. Interesting is the banner for "stop mortgage hell" under the header! Great Site.


Written by Press Banner
Friday, 07 November 2008
Local bug, bike teams prep for Baja 100 run
Two experienced local teams are setting up for a run at the Baja 1000, the strenuous off-road race that kicks off Nov. 21 in Ensenada, Mexico.
Mount Hermon’s Jeff Moore is joined by his brother, Pat, and two of Pat’s friends from Elko, Nev., as the team attempts to win the 250-Plus Sportsman Class division riding their 2008 KTM EXCR450 motorcycle.
The Moore brothers are coming off a June win in the Baja 500, the short version of the rugged off-road race, in which Pat fell from the bike and broke his collarbone, leaving Jeff to finish the final 200 miles without a switch.

READY FOR OFF-ROADING: Felton’s Richard Palasik (right) works on the Desert Dingo in preparation for the Baja 1000 later this month. Courtesy photo.
Pat is fully healed, and the team will be taking a practice run on the course Nov. 15 to get ready for the race.
The team expects the race to take about 20 hours of continuous riding.
The other local team, Desert Dingo Racing, is looking to finish the Baja 1000 for the first time after coming up short during their first attempt in 2007.
Desert Dingo Racing, represented locally by Richard Palasik and Jim Graham of Felton, will be the official World Diabetes Day Car in the race.
They will be raising money for diabetes research and passing out 4,000 boxes of crayons with the warning signs of diabetes printed on the back.
The team also has a “hero” card that shows the team’s 1969 VW Beetle and has the warning signs of diabetes printed in Spanish on the back.
There are four Volkswagen’s competing in the team’s division. To get a step up on the competition, the team solicited advice from a nine-time winner who advised them to raise their suspension 4 or 5 inches.
For information:

'Electric Motorcycle Company Partners with Action Sports Guru Chris Karol to Launch First U.S. Dealership'

SYOSSET, N.Y., Nov 06, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- From Snowboarding Pioneer to Eco-Conscious Entrepreneur, Former World Champion Snowboarder Chris Karol Offers Electric Motorcycles to the Masses
Swiss electric motorcycle manufacturer, Quantya, is excited to announce their partnership with Shredelectric (, an action sports retailer dedicated to fun innovative outdoor equipment and training. Shredelectric will be the first dealership in a national network of retailers for their eco-conscious, electric motorcycle. With growing public concern over global warming and fuel costs, electric vehicles have become increasingly popular. Shredelectric will provide the New England marketplace with direct access to the new and exciting electric vehicle industry. Complementing the New England retail offering, Shredelectric promotes tours and events for velocity, endurance and motor sports throughout the world.
Quantya has already experienced a huge success in Europe, where eco-conscious motorcycle enthusiasm mixed with Swiss engineering and craftsmanship has led to the creation of a high performance zero-emissions electric motorcycle. "Where most of our competitors are still trying to work out the bugs in their prototypes, we have a time tested product which is backed up with a full 2 year warranty", said Claudio Dick, CEO and founder of Quantya. Quantya motorcycles are manufactured in the idyllic Swiss city of Lugano where serenity and technology have inspired the development of the world's sturdiest and most environmentally advanced electric motorcycle.
"I have a long history in the action sports industry and I have worked with many cutting edged products throughout the years, but I have yet to be as excited as I am now about the electric motorcycles we are bringing into the U.S.," said Chris Karol, CEO of Shredelectric. Shredelectric is owned and operated by snowboarding pioneer Chris Karol, who is a former Snowboarding World Champion, Olympic Team Coach and longtime motorcycle enthusiast. Karol says, "Escalating gas prices have greatly increased demand for electric motorcycles in this area of the country over the last year." In response to tightening regulations concerning noise and emissions, motocross riders now have the option to ride their favorite trails without disturbing or polluting the environment.
Shredelectric currently offers two of the three bikes which Quantya manufactures. The "Strada", which is a Dual Sport and street legal model, retails for under $11,000 and is designed for the urban professional who likes to get his boots dirty on the weekend. The motocross inspired "Track", appeals to the race enthusiast who loves power and speed, and sells for less than $9,999. In addition to offering a full line of accessories, tours and training, Shredelectric will provide a full-service maintenance center to address any potential warranty and parts needs.
About Quantya
"Swiss Electric Movement" is the result of eco-conscious motorcycle enthusiasts who started the development and distribution of zero-emission high performance electric motorcycles. Quantya USA, part of the Swiss Electric Movement, wants to bring the massive success of the Quantya electric motorcycles to the US market. Quantya USA, the exclusive importer and distributor for the USA and Canada, is located in Syosset, NY and more information can be found at
SOURCE Quantya

Nov 4, 2008


2008 Endurocross Mix - TaddyPL

2008 LV Endurocross - Seems like the technique is to clear the obstacles instead of riding them.

2008 Slovakian Enduro - Euro at it's best - Daft Punk MIX

Video del viaggio in Slovacchia del gruppo Umbria di EnduroTerni

Nov 2, 2008


Just hoping you were able to watch the Brazilizn GP to see the race of the century. Even though Masa won on the last lap in the rain, and thought he won the world Championship during the cool down lap, Hamilton (rain tires) passes Glock (no rain tires) for fifth place to take the title and become the youngest F1 champion in history. The title was won by 1 point in the final corner of the final race of the season in which the rain came on the final lap. Masa's comment after the podium was "that's racing".

Nov 1, 2008



BMW Boat GPS Drawing

BMW Unstoppable GPS Drawing

ASSAGO MONDIALE Trial Indoor 2008



Oct 31, 2008





ROMANIACS '08 Gerhard Forster-Special BMW G 450

Short Highlight of Red Bull Romaniacs 2008

Red Bull Hare Scramble - THE FLAG MAN HAS GEAR ON!

Erzberg 2007




Erzberg 2007 Enduro Cross Training - Part 1

Adventure Riding Two Up Tasmania

UAE Desert Challenge - last race day, 10km from finish



Given a clear path to victory when his KTM team-mate, Marc Coma, plunged from contention 24 hours earlier with clutch failure, Despres won the open bikes title by 14mins 14 secs from Chilean rider Francisco Lopez.

1. Cyril Despres (F) KTM Rally Replica/690 19:22:51
2. Francisco Lopez (RCH) KTM Rally Replica/690 19:37:31
3. James West (GB) KTM 690/690 20:09:10
4. Alain Duclos (F) KTM/690 20:31:40
5. Jordi Viladoms (E) KTM Rally Replica/690 20:32:27
6. Miran Stanovnik (SLO) KTM Rally Replica/690 20:49:08
7. Tim Trenker (D) KTM 0/660 20:53:52
8. Paul Rivet (F) KTM LC4/660 21:04:01
9. Jakub Przygonski (PL) KTM Rally Replica/690 21:08:50
10. Jacek Czachor (PL) KTM/450 21:29:27

Bikes, 450cc
1. Sean Gaugain (ZAF) Honda CRF 450 X/450 20:39:16
2. Alan Roberts (AUS) Honda CFR 450 X/450 21:23:51
3. Helder Rodrigues (P) Honda CRF 450 X /450 21:51:05
4. Simon Pavey (AUS) Honda CRF 450 X/450 22:11:46
5. Sean Linton (GB) Honda CRF 450 X/450 22:17:52
6. Khalid Al Falasi (UAE) Honda CRF 450 X/450 22:31:02
7. Jason Sockett (GB) Honda CRF 450 X/450 24:14:17
8. Ludovic Delmar (F) Honda CRF 450 X/450 24:20:29
9. David De Souza (GB) KTM 450 EXC/450 26:08:40
10. Matthew Lee (GB) Honda CRF 450 X /450 26:31:53

Oct 30, 2008

Catalina Grand Prix Motorcycle Races - ELROD RACING


Early Years of Motocross Museum Tour Dakar

Libya Rally: Libya Desert Challenge 2009 Libya Rally Marathonrally


Quintin Mcloughlin practicing for UAE Desert Challenge '08




Live Tracking HERE - great tracking with zoom. So far Cyril Despres has a 16 minute lead on the next to last stage.

Rider comments from the 450's and back markers:

12. Jordi Viladoms (E) “We rode most of the way as one big group which was fun, and with the pushing and jostling for position it was more like moto cross. I might be tired now but it was fun.”

18. Tim Trenker (D) “Today was awesome, riding in a big group. I did most of the navigation and after yesterday’s big fall I am sore. Over the last 50km I couldn’t stand because my legs were hurting.”

83. Mohammed Al Shamsi (UAE) “Excellent weather today with good visibility meaning I could see everything in front of me. The bike is running well, but a little slow on the fast sections because of the weight.”

Rider comments after Nissan SS3

1. Marc Coma (E) “It was really tough, especially with all the soft sand and with the high temperatures, and after 200km in the saddle it is very hot.” Asked if he was confident of a third successive win in the UAE he smiled and said: “We’ll leave that for the moment because there’s still a long way to go.”

2. Cyril Despres (F) “It was a long, hard day and really fast desert conditions. It wasn’t what I had expected. I expected more dunes.”

3. James West (GB) “With the foggy start, it was like a winding road in Scotland. The stage today didn’t allow you to relax at all. In fact in the first 20km I came off the bike three times because of the soft sand. The middle part was ok and in the last part again I had the same problems, coming off the bike several times.”

6. Francisco Lopez (RCH) “Today was very, very difficult and very long. Combined with the soft sand it proved to be good training and I feel very happy about the way I rode the bike.”

32. Ruben Faria (P) “It was very hard for most of the way. There were some fast sections which were good. 20km from the finish I suffered clutch problems so I’m pleased to complete the stage.”


here's a good spot on Cromwell at Rubber Mag