Jul 22, 2009

We're back!

After a long absence due to riding and riding, trail cutting and more trail cutting and generally doing the USFS' job for them, it's time for another post.

Irony here my friends, right here in Northern California. Let me first explain that in actuality, Northern california starts right at Willows and the I-5. There's no exception here, South of there is the bay area, South of that is Central California and then So Cal.
So back to Irony, let's talk about trails and what started the trails, who cuts them and who maintains them and then ultimately who claims them as their own.
Horses, Pack mules, wagon trains, jeeps, skidders (and if you don't know what that is go home) and then motorcycles (Dirt Bikes); this is the natural progression of the trail. No where in that progression is a mountain bike. Yet........the mountainbikers seem to want to claim all the singletrack as their own. Do they cut or maintain it? no. Did they create it? no. They why do they whine like babies when they see a motorcycle on a singletrack?
Ask a local Downieville rider how he sees the situation.

I just don't get it. Do you?